I’m a section that contains blog posts from a sub-category
Fire Resistance of Plants Master Database & Placement of Species Within Firewise Landscape Zones For Southern Idaho
Burn Severity Portal
Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool
Scenario Investment Planning Platform
Cool Tool: Hot-Dry-Windy Index
Post-fire conditions in various fuel models in the Southern Rockies region
FireCLIME VA: A New Fire and Climate Vulnerability Assessment Tool for the U.S. Southwest
‘Neighborhoods at Risk’: FREE virtual tool for climate change impacts
Smoke and Roadway Safety Guide
I’m another section that contains blog posts from a different sub-category
Objective identification of thunderstorm gust fronts from operational numerical weather prediction models
Salvage Series NR Fire Science
Good Fire Podcast
World of Wildland Fire
Wildfire-driven Forest Conversion in Western North American Landscapes
LANDFIRE Remap in the Southwestern U.S: “Mega” Southwest U.S. Webinar
Building a prescribed fire program on the Colorado Front Range: The role of landowner engagement
Sharing Science and Lessons Learned- COVID-19 and Wildfire
Cheatgrass in Sagebrush Country
World On Fire