As wildlife populations decline in the shifting landscapes of sagebrush and pinyon-juniper ecosystems, land managers face a tough …
Predicted 2020 densities for 11 songbird species across the western United States
Understanding how songbird populations respond to changing habitats is crucial for effective wildlife management—this study …
Living on the edge: Predicting songbird response to management and environmental changes across an ecotone
This study models population trends and density-habitat relationships for multiple bird species in pinyon-juniper and sagebrush …
Smoke: How new emissions data could enable more prescribed fire
Wildfires have become more severe and have burned larger swaths of the western United States and Canada in recent decades. The …
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Systematic Process for Determining Field-Sampling Effort Required to Know Vegetation Changes in Large, Disturbed Rangelands Where Management Treatments Have Been Applied
This article describes and evaluates a flexible, scalable process for determining the sampling effort needed to monitor how …
Combining resilience and resistance with threat-based approaches for prioritizing management actions in sagebrush ecosystems
Conservation Planning, ecological integrity index, ecological resilience, prioritization, resistance to invasion, restoration …
Post-Fire Field Guide: Create and Use Post-Fire Soil BurnSeverity Maps
Rocky Mountain Research StationScience You Can Use …
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Model-assisted domain estimation of post fire tree regeneration in the western US using nearest neighbor techniques
This study introduces a model-assisted approach to enhance the accuracy of national forest inventories in estimating post fire …